From Nuclear Arms Control to AI Arms Control

 Exploring the Future of International Security

The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has given rise to a concerning prospect: the story of AI weapons. These weapons systems could range from autonomous drones to robotic soldiers, all of which have the capability to select targets and carry out attacks without human intervention autonomously. The potential risks associated with such weaponry are manifold, from the possibility of malfunction and unintended consequences to a lowered threshold for military action, sparking an arms race in AI weapons development. Against this backdrop, a growing call has emerged for AI arms control to regulate the development and deployment of AI weapons. Nations could also be required to establish clear protocols for using AI weapons, including requirements for human oversight and control and measures to prevent accidental or unintended use. There are several obstacles to implementing AI arms control, including the rapid pace of technological advancement and differing national perspectives on the development and use of AI weapons. Nevertheless, there is a growing consensus among experts and policymakers regarding the need for such control. Progress has been made, as evidenced by the 2018 statement signed by 26 countries calling for a ban on fully autonomous weapons, as well as ongoing discussions at the United Nations. The development of AI weapons raises crucial ethical and safety concerns. While there are potential risks, there is also an opportunity for international cooperation and regulation to mitigate these risks. The establishment of AI arms control measures, be it a ban on fully autonomous weapons or transparency and accountability protocols, could prove to be a vital step toward ensuring the safe and ethical use of AI technology.